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3rd Joint Congress on Evolutionary Biology

July 30, 2024 -

Title slide from Jake's talk

Jake attended the 3rd Joint Congress on Evolutionary Biology in Montreal, QC, Canada, where he gave a talk on his research into applications of computer vision to studies of bird skeleton evolution. His talk, titled (in jest) '15,000 Skeletons, or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Phenotype', was recorded and is available on YouTube here

Genome and life-history evolution link bird diversification to the end-Cretaceous mass extinction

August 01, 2024 -

Science Advances cover

The primary work from Jake's first postdoc is now published as the cover article in Science Advances. In this study, Jake examined how bird genomes evolved after the end-Cretaceous mass extinction 66 million years ago. By analyzing different genetic regions, Jake and his team identified key shifts in DNA sequences linked to changes in development, body size, and metabolism. These findings suggest that the mass extinction played a crucial role in shaping the evolution and early diversification of modern birds.


A comprehensive multilocus phylogeny of the Neotropical cotingas (Cotingidae, Aves) with a comparative evolutionary analysis of breeding system and plumage dimorphism and a revised phylogenetic classification

Berv, J. S., Prum, R. O. (2014). A comprehensive multilocus phylogeny of the Neotropical cotingas (Cotingidae, Aves) with a comparative evolutionary analysis of breeding system and plumage dimorphism and a revised phylogenetic classification. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution.

Divergence in morphology, calls, song, mechanical sounds, and genetics supports species status for the Inaguan hummingbird (Trochilidae: Calliphlox evelynae lyrura)

Feo, T., Musser, J., Berv. J. S., Clark, C. J. (2015). Divergence in morphology, calls, song, mechanical sounds, and genetics supports species status for the Inaguan hummingbird (Trochilidae: Calliphlox evelynae; lyrura). The Auk: Ornithological Advances.

A comprehensive phylogeny of birds (Aves) using targeted next-generation DNA sequencing

Prum, R. O.*., Berv, J. S.*, Dornburg, A., Field, D. J., Townsend, J.P., Lemmon, E.M., Lemmon, A. R. (2015). A comprehensive phylogeny of birds (Aves) using targeted next-generation DNA sequencing, Nature. *shared first authorship

Genomic Signature of an Avian Lilliput Effect across the K-Pg Extinction

Berv, J. S., Field, D. J. (2018). Genomic Signature of an Avian Lilliput Effect across the K-Pg Extinction, Systematic Biology. Publisher's Award for Excellence in Systematic Research

Complex coevolution of wing, tail, and vocal sounds of courting male bee hummingbirds

Clark, C. J., McGuire, J. A., Bonaccoroso, E., Berv, J. S., Prum, R. O. (2018). Complex coevolution of wing, tail, and vocal sounds of courting male bee hummingbirds. Evolution.

Early Evolution of Modern Birds Structured by Global Forest Collapse at the End-Cretaceous Mass Extinction

Field, D. J., Bercovici, A., Berv, J. S., Dunn, R., Fastovsky, D. E., Lyson, T. R, Vajda, V., Gauthier, J. A. (2018). Early Evolution of Modern Birds Structured by Global Forest Collapse at the End-Cretaceous Mass Extinction. Current Biology.


Berv, J. S. Tempo and Mode: Using Genomic, Anatomical, and Life-History Data to Integrate the Micro-and Macroevolution of Birds, 2019. Cornell University. PhD Dissertation

An inverse latitudinal gradient in infection probability and phylogenetic diversity for Leucocytozoon blood parasites in New World birds

Fecchio, Alan ... Berv, J. S., et al (author list truncated) (2019). An inverse latitudinal gradient in infection probability and phylogenetic diversity for Leucocytozoon blood parasites in New World birds, Journal of Animal Ecology.

Timing the Extant Avian Radiation: The Rise of Modern Birds, and the Importance of Modeling Molecular Rate Variation

Field, D. J., Berv, J. S., Hsiang, A. Y., Lanfear, R., Landis, M. J., Dornburg, A., (2020). Timing the Extant Avian Radiation: The Rise of Modern Birds, and the Importance of Modeling Molecular Rate Variation. In: Pittman, M., Xu, X. (Eds.), Pennaraptoran Theropod Dinosaurs Past Progress and New Frontiers. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History, New York, pp. 159-181.

Recent divergence and lack of shared phylogeographic history characterize the diversification of neotropical savanna birds

van Els, P., Zarza, E., Rocha Moreira, L., Gómez-Bahamón, V., Santana, A., Aleixo, A., Ribas, C. C., do Rêgo, P. S., Santos, M. P. D., Zyskowski, K., Prum, R. O., Berv, J. S., (2021). Recent divergence and lack of shared phylogeographic history characterize the diversification of neotropical savanna birds. Journal of Biogeography.

Genomic phylogeography of the White-crowned Manakin Pseudopipra pipra (Aves: Pipridae) illuminates a continental-scale radiation out of the Andes

Berv, J. S., Campagna, L., Feo, T. J., Castro-Astor, I., Ribas, C. C., Prum, R. O., Lovette, I. J., (2021). Genomic phylogeography of the White-crowned Manakin Pseudopipra pipra (Aves: Pipridae) illuminates a continental-scale radiation out of the Andes. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 164, 107205. Student advisee

Ecological selectivity and the evolution of mammalian substrate preference across the K-Pg boundary

Hughes, J. J.*, Berv, J. S.*, Chester, S. G. B., Sargis, E. J., Field, D. J. (2021). Ecological selectivity and the evolution of mammalian substrate preference across the K-Pg boundary. Ecology and Evolution, 11, 14540-14554. Student advisee *shared first authorship

CRAN Task View: Phylogenetics

Gearty, W., O'Meara, B., Berv. J. S., Ballen, G. S., Ferreira, D., Lapp, H., Schmitz, L., Smith, M. R., Upham, N. S., Nations, J. A. (2022). CRAN Task View: Phylogenetics. Version 2022-10-25.

The pace of mitochondrial molecular evolution varies with seasonal migration distance

Pegan, M. T., Berv. J. S., Gulson-Castillo, E.R., Kimmitt, A. A., Winger, B. M., The pace of mitochondrial molecular evolution varies with seasonal migration distance. in press, Evolution 2023.08.01.551470 Student advisee

The genomic landscape, causes, and consequences of extensive phylogenomic discordance in Old World mice and rats

Thomas, G.W.C., Hughes, J. J., Kumon T., Berv. J. S., Nordgren, C. E., Lampson, M., Levine, M., Searle, J. B., Good, J. M., The genomic landscape, causes, and consequences of extensive phylogenomic discordance in Old World mice and rats. bioRxiv 2023.08.28.555178 Student advisee

Genome and life-history evolution link bird diversification to the end-Cretaceous mass extinction

Berv, J. S., Singhal, S., Field, Daniel. J., Walker-Hale, N., McHugh, W. S., Shipley, J. R., Miller, E. T., Kimball, R. T., Braun, E. L., Dornburg, A., Parins-Fukuchi, C. T., Prum, R. O., Friedman, M., Smith, S. A., Genome and life-history evolution link bird diversification to the end-Cretaceous mass extinction. Science Advances. 10.1126/sciadv.adp0114 Student advisee

Variable patterns of phenotypic evolution among canonical ‘living fossil’ lineages

Rivero-Vega, R. A., Berv, J. S., Clarke, J. T., Friedman, M., Variable patterns of phenotypic evolution among canonical ‘living fossil’ lineages. bioRxiv. doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2024.11.14.623638 Student advisee

Skeletal trait measurements for thousands of bird species

Weeks, B. C., Zhou, Z., Probst, C. M., Berv, J. S., O'Brien, B. K., Benz, B. W., Skeen, H. R., Ziebell, M., Bodt, L., Fouhey, D. F., Skeletal trait measurements for thousands of bird species. bioRxiv. doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2024.12.19.629481 Student advisee

